Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Three nights in a row!!!

On Saturday night, we decided to go ahead and give the big girl bed a try. Ella has been sleeping in her bed for all of her naps, but night time has still been with us. I have always loved Ella being with us and probably would let her stay there forever if I could, but with Grayson on the way... it's only fair that they both be in their room since our bed is not big enough for four!! I honestly did not think it would be as easy as it has been!

Saturday night she slept until 4:30 and I heard her yelling, "Mommy, I need you!" Keep in mind that I have her baby monitor still set up so that I can watch her and hear her all night long. She definitely got more sleep than I did that first night! So, as soon as I heard her calling, I ran into there to get her, but she insisted we stay in her bed.

Sunday night was a weird night! She skipped out on nap that day due to Easter and the beautiful weather and ended up falling asleep at 5:45! I was worried she would wake up in the middle of the night to play and she kind of did!! She slept from 5:45 until about 2 and called for me to come lay with her. We laid, I gave her some chocolate milk and then she went back to sleep. At about 4 I noticed it was very wet on her side of the bed!!! I guess the chocolate milk combined with the long period of sleep caused her to leak through her diaper so we headed to mommy's bed. Once in mommy's bed she tried to wake up her daddy who had to go to work the next morning!! She wanted cartoons, chocolate milk, to play, you name it!! So, the lesson of the day came to be.... Ella either naps or we force her to stay awake past 7!

Last night Ella did really well! She fell asleep around 9 or 9:30 and slept through the night until about 4 again. She called for me to come lay with her and I did for a few minutes and then came right back to bed. This morning at about 7:00 I felt a little tug on my shirt and it was Ella coming to wake mommy up for the day!

This is a very bitter sweet accomplishment for me! I love that she can sleep in her own bed, giving Kermie and I time to ourselves and room to breathe, but dislike that she doesn't need me like she did before! She's turning into such a sweet little, big girl! Yay for Ella! :)


Mama Smors said...

That is great!! I am glad it has been a smooth transition! :)

Jackie said...

Good job Ella!