On Monday morning she kept saying "Dada" and I would say "work" and then she'd say Mama and I'd say "here". She did this over and over and it was so cute! We went out in the snow on Monday before the big storm hit and she actually enjoyed it! I need to get her some snow boots before taking her out in the new snow... otherwise she will freeze up to her knees! I think her Pa is picking up some on his way home tonight!
Ella and I have really been working on her talking and she can say just about anything you want her too with the exception of a few sounds. She says everyone's name in our family but still has trouble with "Daniel", "Geoff", and "Granny". We have the whole week to practice though (fingers crossed) . Here are some videos of her talking today and pictures of her out in the snow!

I am glad you had fun in the snow. I hope your pa gets you boots because you will need them tomorrow for sure.
Your video is so sweet. Your are so smart and so cute. I love you sweetie and will miss you tomorrow.
love the videos~ at this age they are little sponges and it is SO much fun! i am glad you are getting to have a fun snow week at home with miss ella!
Nana loves your sweet little voice. I'm still waiting on that third video.
Did you like the boots that Pa picked out for you?
She did like the boots but couldn't figure out how to walk in them for the longest time! :)
She is such a smart girl and i LOVE her voice!
Aww.cute videos!
I know Nana has already commented but Ella your videos are so sweet, I just want to squeeze you :)
Bailey and I just finished watching the videos...she loved them! She kept trying to talk to Ella! We had to watch each of them twice :)
So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ava you are a sweet heart!
Papa (Donovan)
I loved the videos...now I can't wait to have a little one so we can teach him or her to talk! What a great age!
What a cute little snow bee!
Aunt Kim
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