Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Toys and New Accomplishment

Yesterday, my mom took Ella to get some new toys for her house because all of her other toys were "baby" toys. With the school year approaching, my mom wanted her to have fun stuff to play with when Ella goes to her house. So, we all made a trip to KB Toys and found several fun things. Ella got a big tent thing that is full of balls (like Chuck-E-Cheese), a toy that you can ride on and walk with, and a cell phone. For our house, I bought her a cute grocery cart to push around. We weren't sure if Ella would be able to master the pushing yet, but she did! She walked her toys around all night long! This morning when she woke up she pushed her cart, her big stroller and her little chairs that go to her table! It's so funny. I guess she really enjoys this walking thing!


Gina (Nana) said...

I'm so glad that you like your new toys. Nana was so proud of you pushing your new toy.There will be no stopping you now. I hope that we can keep Jake out of your ball tent or you won't have any balls left for the next time you come back!:)I love you and will see you later.


Donovan said...


You are such a big girl pushing your toys. It won't be long until you start walking all by yourself. It sounds like you had a lot of fun shopping with Mommy and Nana. I love you sweetie and will see you soon.


Donovan said...


Wow! What a big girl. No doubt you will be walking soon. I love you!!!


Jackie said...

I love your new toys!!! Now you can walk around like a big girl:)