Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Teething, Tired, and Tattered

The past few days Ella has not been quite herself. Typically, she is very predictable, easy going, and super sweet, but lately she has been fussy, somewhat mean (she throws fits, pushes you away, etc), clingy, off schedule completely, and not sleeping at night.
The worst part of the new and hopefully temporary Ella is her not sleeping at night. It started about a week ago with what seemed like bad dreams at night, but now it has turned into hour stretches of fussiness. For instance, last night she woke up around 4:20 and did not go back to sleep until after 6 this morning! In return, she slept until 9 this morning! It was a long and uncomfortable night for both of us! I have a feeling she is teething again, but it has been magnified times ten. Everyone always said it gets easier after the first teeth, but I beg to differ.


Mrs. Smorstad said...

awww brooke, i am so sorry! i hope ella feels better soon.

Gina (Nana) said...

She probably is teething and is just a little cranky. Just try to keep the orajel on her gums and give her tylenol. It's hard to ever know for sure what is going on with a baby, it will be alot easier when she can tell you what's wrong.

Jackie said...

I'm sorry Brooke! It's so hard. We have already talked about all the things that helped for Ava so I won't list them again. Ava did the same things when she was teething. It's so hard on baby and mommy. Let me know if you need anything!

Donovan said...


Grandpa is sad for you. I hope you feel better soon!

Love you!

Donovan said...


I am so sorry your teeth hurt. It's very hard for babies when they are teething but just think you will get to eat so many different foods(like whole corn chips instead of little pieces.}

I love you,


Ashley said...

love the birthday outfit!